Podcast episode 205
Simon and Heini are both scrambling to either run a conference or go for vacation and Alexander just left his current job, but despite this the trio found time to talk about multiple audiences for Apps in Power BI, DAX Studio 3, Kurt Buhler’s AMAZING new blog post on designing for your future self, Simon bashes ADFS (again), AVD can now do single-sign on, Heini has managed to dig up some rather interesting networking news and the Azure Synapse PoC Playbook.
The focus segment this week is all about the equipment, how, and where of working from anywhere!
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Show notes:
Multiple Audiences for Power BI Apps
SQL Server 2022 RC0
DAX Studio 3
Russian malware targets ADFS
SSO for AVD in Insider Builds
Guided Hunting in Microsoft 365 Defender
NSG Support for Private Endpoints
Load Test Private Endpoints
Azure Synapse PoC playbook
Designing for your future self